About the Department

The Department of CSE (Cyber security) offers a 4-year B. Tech program. This program integrates core principles of computer science with advanced concepts in cyber security to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to protect digital systems and information from cyber threats. The graduates are equipped to address the complex and evolving challenges in the cyber security landscape, making them valuable assets to any organisation focused on protecting its digital infrastructure. The Department of CSE(CS) was established in the year 2020 with an intake of 60 students. Our CSE (Cyber Security) curriculum offers the students hands-on practical exposure with security systems and applications to build cybersecurity solutions. The course imparts broad understanding of Secure coding, Information, networking and web security, Cryptography and Cyber risk. The department has well-equipped specialized laboratory facilities like Programming with Objects, Linux Programming, Database Management System, Computer Networks, Web Application Development, Network Security and Cyber Operations, Data Mining and Digital Forensics and Cloud Security etc. The eco-system and upgraded lab facilities provides good practical learning and innovative environment for the students and researchers. The department also organizes regularly co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for grooming the students such as seminars, workshops, group discussions, Tech talk, Project Expo, Industrial Visits, Company specific training, value added courses etc.