SICET National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme (NSS)

The National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored public service program conducted by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India. Popularly known as NSS, the scheme was launched in Gandhi ji's Centenary year, 1969. Aimed at developing student's personality through community service, NSS is a voluntary association of young people in Colleges, Universities and at +2 level working for a campus-community linkage. The cardinal principle of the NSS programme is that it is organized by the students themselves, and both students and teachers through their combined participation in community service, get a sense of involvement in the tasks of nation building.


The Motto of NSS "Not Me But You", reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service. NSS helps the students develop appreciation to other person's point of view and also show consideration to other living beings. The philosophy of the NSS is well doctrine in this motto, which underlines on the belief that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society on the whole and therefore, the NSS volunteers shall strive for the well-being of the society.


All round Personality Development of students through community service.

  • Create awareness about the community in which they work
  • Develop a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  • Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process.
  • Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
  • Practice national integration and social harmony.
  • Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude.
SICET National Service Scheme Committee
SI.No. Name Designation & Department Position
1. Mr.E.Parushram Asst.Professor  & ECE Coordinator
2. Mr.T.Srinivas Asst.Professor  & EEE Member
3. Mr.A.Shiva Asst.Professor  & H&S Member
4. Mr.B.Suresh Asst.Professor  & CSE Member
5. Mr. T.Aravind Asst.Professor  & MECH Member
6. Mr.L.Krishna Asst.Professor  & CIVIL Member
7. Mr. D.Srinivasa Rao Asst.Professor  & IT Member
8. Mr. Raj kumar Asst.Professor  & IOT Member
9. Mr. Suresh.B Asst.Professor  & DS Member
10. Mr.P.Prashanth Asst.Professor  & CS Member
11. Mr.Hari Kmar Asst.Professor  & AIML Member
12. Mr.A.Krishna Asst.Professor  & AIDS Member
13. Mr.A.Venu Asst.Professor  & CSIT Member
Roles & Responsibilities of Committee Members

Role of the Coordinator

Programme Coordinator is responsible for success of NSS activities at the college level. He is most important person in the college level who will be the medium between the students, Faculty members and society. The attitude of Programme Officer should be positive to implement the NSS activities. The Programme officer makes the coordination between the students and the society. The Programme Officers is to motivate student youth to understand the moral and ethical values of NSS. The overall functions of Programme Officers are to help the students to plan, implement, and evaluate the activities of NSS and give proper guidance and directions to the student volunteers. He plays prominent role for the success of NSS activities like Coordinator, Educator, Administrator, Supervisor, and Organizer and as Public Relation Officer.

Duties of Faculty Members

The role of a committee member is to participate at committee meetings and offer help and support to any tasks that need completing the task. Attend committee meetings and Carry out agreed actions set by the coordinator. Communicating with the volunteers when events are organized. Enrolling the students as NSS volunteer by motivation. To make decisions as a collective group and hold joint responsibility for decisions and actions taken by the committee, even in their absence. They are responsible for ensuring that all decisions are taken in the best interests of the committee and that their role is carried out effectively.

Role of NSS volunteers

An NSS Volunteer is a student in the college who was enrolled his name in the National service Scheme. The roles of the NSS volunteers are very important according to the National Service Scheme because they are main beneficiary of the programme. The NSS volunteers are must be actively participate in the NSS activities. The volunteers coordination is important to the advisory committee for the smooth execution of the NSS activities The NSS volunteers are performing the role of mediator between the education system and the community which is helpful for the nation building.

Year Planner

List of International and National Days/Weeks to be observed by NSS Unit

S. No Occasion Date & Month
1 National Youth Day & Week 12th to 19th January
2 National Voters Day 12th January
3 Republic Day 26th January
4 World Cancer Day 4th February
5 National Science Day 28th February
6 Water Awareness Day 1st to 7th  March
7 International Women’s Day 8th March
8 Worlds Handicapped Day 15th     March
9 World Disabled Day 19th March
10 World Forest Day 20th March
11 World Health Day 7th April
12 Fire Prevention Day 14th April
13 Swachh Bharath Pakhwada 1st to 15th May
14 Nutrition Day 1st     to 7th  May
15 World Mother’s Day 10th May
16 Anti-Terrorism Day 21st May
17 World Tobacco Day 31st May
18 World Environment Day 5th June
19 World Against Child Labour Day 12th May
20 World Blood Donors Day 14th june
21 International Day Of Yoga 21st June
22 Vanamahotsav Week 1st to 7th  July
23 World Population Day 11th July
24 Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons 6th August
25 Independence Day 15th August
26 Women's Equality Day 26th August
27 Teacher’s Day 5th September
28 International Literacy Day-Week 8th to 14th September
29 N.S.S. Foundation Day 24th September
30 Celebrations of     Gandhi Jayanthi as promotion of Kadhi Day/ International Day of  Non Violence And Peace/Swachh Bharat Programme 2nd October
31 World Eye Sight Day 12th October
32 World Food Day 16st October
33 International Coastal Cleanup Day 21st October
34 Rastriya Ekta Diwas (National Unity Day/Saving Day/National Integration Day) 31st October
35 Mother’s Day 19th November
36 Worlds AIDS Day 1st     December
37 International Volunteers Day 5th     December
38 Human Rights Day 10th December

Outreach Programs & Community Connect
S. No Academic Year Details
1 Academic Year 2022-2023 View
2 Academic Year 2021-2022 View
3 Academic Year 2020-2021 View
4 Academic Year 2019-2020 View
5 Academic Year 2018-2019 View



