Vision & Mission

Institution Vision (IV)

To be a premier Institution in Engineering & Technology and Management with competency, values and social consciousness.

Department Vision (DV)

To be a recognized knowledge center in the field of Information Technology with self - motivated, employable engineers to society.

Institution Mission (IM)

IM1: Provide high quality academic programs, training activities and research facilities.

IM2: Promote Continuous Industry-Institute interaction for employability, entrepreneurship, leadership and research aptitude among stakeholders.

IM3: Contribute to the economical and technological development of the region, state and nation.

Department Mission (DM)

DM1: To offer high quality student centric education in Information Technology.

DM2: To provide a conducive environment towards innovation and skills.

DM3: To involve in activities that provide social and professional solutions.

DM4: To impart training on emerging technologies namely cloud computing and IOT with involvement of stake holders.