Central Library
Library established separate building in the carpet area of 2500 sq-mts., is the backbone of our institute. It can accommodate 300 readers at a stretch. We have a collection of more than 1. 45992 volumes & 7691 titles, college has subscribed National, International Journals, Magazines, Technical Magazines and newspapers. Study materials for the competitive examinations such as TOEFL, GRE, IELTS, CIVILS, GATE RRB, SAIL, Engineering Service Exams and UGC NET/SET have also been provided in the Library.
Central Library has a well equipped Digital Library with more than 2. 41529 e-books. It has IEEE, J-Gate Engineering & Technology, DELNET, UGC N-List, National Digital Library and SWAYAM PRABHA PRABHA facility under which various library sources around the world are shared. It being apart, MIT(USA), IITs’ NPTEL and Video Courses have been installed in the Digital Library to inculcate the research oriented thinking among the students.
Library Block – Floor wise
- Journals Section
- Magazine & News Papers Section
- Projects & Journals back volumes
- Reprographic (Xerox) Section
- Drinking Water
- ATM & Wash Rooms
- Check point
Ground Floor
- UG & PG Stack Area
- Circulation section (Books Issue& Return)
- Reading Area
- Barcode Printing
- Competitive Books
- Scanning & Printing
1st Floor
- Digital Library
- Reference Section
- Staff Reading Room
- Discussion Room
- PG Reference Section
- Reading Area
- MOOCs Facility Centre
- Book Bank Section
2nd Floor
- Extend support to teaching ,learning and research initiatives of the college
- Provide career employment information resources to the users
- Provide access to Internet, OPAC, and e-resources
- Provide Remote access facility to all users
- Create a suitable ambience for optimum usage of library resources.
- Assist in retrieval of reading material.
- Library aims to be one of the best among the Engineering College Libraries in the Country.
- Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty.
- Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.
Library serves as a resource center and aims to develop a comprehensive Collection of books, journals and e-resources useful for users and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge.
Periodicals Section
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribed Print National, International Journals and Magazines to provide the staff and students latest information’s in technical education, research and development activities.
Reference Section
The reference section of the library has rich collection of Indian and International editions of Text and reference books, Rare books, Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Competitive books, Soft Skill books, GATE, GRE, TOEFL materials and various other reference documents in all disciplines.
Back Volumes
Back volumes of journals have been neatly separated and categorized under their respective titles with subjects for reference. Project reports are also arranged subject wise.
Competitive Section
The library has good collections of competitive material for various exams. The competitive section which is a part of reference section and also providing with latest General Knowledge, Current Affairs magazines, Aptitude books, Verbal-Non Verbal books, GATE, GRE, TOEFL, GMAT, UGC NET, JRF,SET books, RRB, SAIL, Engineering Service Exams etc.
Book Bank
Book Bank section is maintained in the library for the benefit of SC & ST category students. All the SC & ST category students are allowed to borrow 5 books per head from the Book Bank section in addition to the main library borrowed by them.
Dspace Institutional Digital Repository:
DSpace Institutional Repository is a digital service that collects, preserves, distributes research, educational material produced by an organization and also provides resource links. Users can access Research publications, Invention of Patents including book chapters, conference/proceeding papers, previous year question papers etc.
Library Seating: 300
S.no | Name of the Section | Seating Capacity |
1 | Reference Section | 115 |
2 | Stack/Reading Area | 65 |
3 | Periodical section | 40 |
4 | Back Volume section | 20 |
5 | Digital library | 60 |
News Papers
- The Hindu
- Deccan Chronicle
- Times of India
News Papers
- Eenadu
- Andhra Jyothi
- Namaste Telangana
Library Timings
- Working Days
8.00AM to 10.00PM - Holidays
9.00 AM to 2.00PM
Digital Library E-Resources and MOOCs
(Massive Open Online Courses)
REMOTE ACCESS: Please contact Librarian for Remote access Login
Ekeeda Digital Library
Our Library