Sri. R. Venkat Rao, M.A,B.Ed.
Message from Chairman
It gives me joy unspeakable to affirm that Sri Indu group of institutions, having completed 39 years successfully, has grown into one of the best institutions in the one of the leading Groups in Hyderabad, Telangana. Our Institute is an Autonomous Institutions under UGC, Recognized under 2(f) and 12(B) of UGC Act 1956, approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), NBA Accredited, NAAC in pipeline and An ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified College and Permanently Affiliated to JNTUH.
As everyone is aware of the fact that there is unprecedented advancement in the academic research and industry. Without an iota of doubt, it is to be admitted that the field of engineering and technology has undergone radical changes. That the sound engineering education is synonymous with a better standard of living has become a catchy adage of the day. Besides the acquisition of technical skills, the need of getting oneself familiarized with soft skills like communication skills, organizational skills, crisis management skills, public relations skills, etc., has gained appreciable momentum.
I am quite sure that Sri Indu is not only getting the students prepared for the potential job market but also instilling in them much needed enthusiasm even to work for the nation to meet the social aspirations of our country. I strongly believe that the engineers of today, by their innovation ideas, with their problem-solving attitude and of course, with the humanitarian bent of mind, can establish a better world where people of all nations may live in harmony and peace. By and large, I express my deep sense of commitment for the overall developments of the student community of my institute.
About Chairman
- A dedicated and dynamic personality.
- Pioneer to introduce novel Scholastic methods in the school and the hearts of parents and public.
- He is in Education field since 1979.
- Foresees a “Vision Ahead”. Always struggles to impart better education.
- Awardee by the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh in 1992
- Recipient of “Bharath Jyothi “ Award by his excellency, the President of India,Sri Gnani Zail Singh in 1994.
- Chairman of V.V.Info Business Service (India) Ltd., Hyderabad.

Sri. R. Anup Chakravarthy
Message from Secretary
It is my personal observation that the students are perhaps at the most difficult crossroads of their life after their intermediate examinations. The decision they make at this juncture is going to have a long lasting impact on their future life and career. A competent, qualified, experienced and responsible head of the institute can only operate with a vision towards development of an institution.
It is an much instrumental as the engine of train. Our well-equipped laboratories such as laboratories with the computers having high-end configuration, the internet facility, Wi-fi enabled Campus state of the art library with national and international journals and magazines certainly create a congenial ambience for an ideal engineer in the making to grow.
I am really happy that despite slowdown of economy, Sri Indu has succeeded in bringing various good companies to its campus for placements. All in all, more than 589 students have been placed through campus placements till date during the academic year 2017-18.
Sri Indu Group believes in Bridging Gap between Industry & Research of the students who joined so as to make them apt for facing the challenges of industry and society.
I invite you to join Sri Indu and begin your journey to successful and secured future.
About Secretary
- The present Secretary & Correspondent of the Sri Indu Group of Educational Institutions.
- He is an young and energetic personality.
- Obtained his Masters in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from U.K.
- He has learnt managerial skills from his father Sri.R.Venkat Rao

Smt. R. Indumathi
- The most dynamic and practical treasurer of the Society.
- She devotes her time for the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden.
- She has Three decades of experience in running the academic institutions.