List of Publications
AY: 2022-23
International Journals
S.No. | Author Details | Title of the Paper | Journal name | Volume, Issue |
1 | Dr.K.S.Sadasiva Rao | Blockchain technology: Concepts, Types, Security issues and Applications | Industrial Engineering Journal | Vol.15, Issue 11, Pages : 303-309, ISSN: 0970-2555, Oct 2022 |
2 | Dr.C.Kotteeswaran | Design of all pass make over based capricious digital filter using eminent speed dual carry select adder and truncation and rounding approximate multiplier for image processing application |
Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience | Jan 2023 |
3 | Dr.S.Kishore Verma | Enhancement of Health System for Emergency Care Using IoT Technique | International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education | Vol.14, Issue 5, Pages: 5433-5442 ISSN: 1308-5581, Aug 2022 |
4 | Dr.CH.Narasimha Chary | Privacy Preserving Media Sharing With Scalable Access Control and Secure Deduplication in Mobile Cloud Computing |
The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | Vol.15, Issue 1, Pages : 150-156 ISSN NO: 0886-9367, Jan 2023 |
5 | Dr.CH.Narasimha Chary | Securing Data With Blockchain and AI | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol.14, Issue 1, Pages: 218-223 ISSN:0377-9254 |
International Conferences
S.No. | Author Details | Title of the Paper | Conference Name | ISBN No |
1 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam | A Performance Improvement in Home Automation through Uncontaminated Energy Interfaced with Multi-Dimensional Machine Learning Approach (IEEE Conference) | International Conference on Edge Computing and Applications (ICECAA-2022) | ISBN: 978-1-6654-8232-5 |
2 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam Dr.S.Kishore Verma Dr.J.S.Adeline Johnsana Dr.C.Kotteeswaran |
Next Generation Mobility Management of Multi- Hop Mobile Access using SDD-1 and Low Latency Techniques |
First International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Block Chain (ICAIBC-2023) | - |
3 | Dr.S.Kishore Verma | Enhancement of Health System for Emergency Care Using IoT Technique | International Conference on Engineering and Advancement in Technology (ICEAT-2022) | ISBN: 978-93-81288-22-1 |
4 | Resource Allocation and Information Exchange of Cognitive User Connectivity with Minimal Interfernce using Simulation Analysis (IEEE Conference) | International Conference on IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud(I-SMAC-2022) | ISBN: 978-1-6654-6940-1 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Name of the Publisher | ISBN No | Year |
1 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam | Cyber Security | RK Publications | 978-93-95331-82-1 | Dec 2022 |
2 | Dr.J.S.Adeline Johnsana | Internet of Things | RK Publications | 978-93-95331-93-7 | Dec 2022 |
3 | Dr.S.Kishore Verma | Cryptography and Network Security | RK Publications | 978-93-95331-88-3 | Dec 2022 |
4 | Dr.CH.Narasimha Chary | Data Science and Big Data Analytics | DECCAN ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS | 978-93-95191-17-3 | Nov 2022 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Title | Application Number | Year |
1 | Dr.CH.Narasimha Chary | Blockchain With Deep Learning-Based Secure Computing Platform For Health Care Data | 202241026573 | 2022 |
2 | B.Suresh | Artificial Intelligence Algorithm Utilized Intelligent Accident Indication System To The Rescue Team Using Thriving Cloud Computing | 202241072503 | 2022 |
3 | SNVASRK Prasad | Cloud Server Based Wireless Ecg Monitoring System With More Accuracy With The Help Of Machine Learning Algorithms | 202241065884 | 2022 |
AY: 2021-22
International Journals
S.No. | Author Details | Title of the Paper | Journal name | Volume, Issue |
1 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | False Data Detection in Smart Grid using Artificial Intelligence | Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation | Vol.03/ No.01, Pages: 24-33 ISSN: 2582-3051 |
2 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | Design of Improved Version of Sigmoidal Function with Basis for Classification Task in ELM Domain | Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm | Vol.No3/No.2, Pages 70-82, ISSN: 2582-2640 |
3 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network Fault Modeling and Stability Analysis | Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm | Vol.03/ No.01 Pages: 47-54 ISSN: 2582-2640 |
4 | Dr.T. Kumaresan | Biometric Security with a Robust Multimodal Features Level Fusion Using Modify Incremental Principal Component Analysis | Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry | Vol 12, Issue 10,Pages: 3023-3033 ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
5 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam | Reverse Engineering for Artificial Intelligence to Prevent Healthcare of Human Brain | International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy, and Allied Sciences | Vol.10, Issue 11, Pages: 1331-1338, ISSN.No: 2277-4998 |
6 | Dr.K..Sampath | Novel Techniques For Components Classification And Adaptation | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | Vol. 100, Issue 9, Pages: 3022-3034, ISSN: 1992-8645 |
7 | Dr.K..Sampath | Apriori Algorithm Based Component Classifications and Adaptation for Software Reuses | Indian Journal of Computer Science | Vol.7, Issue 2, ISSN:2456-4133 |
8 | Dr.K..Sampath | Intracranial Hemorrhage Subtype Classification using Learned Fully Connected Separable Convolutional Network | Concurrency and Computation : Practice and Experience | Vol.34, Issue 24 , (Wiley Publisher) |
9 | Dr.K..Sampath | An AI Enabled Framework for Early Detection of Lung Cancer towards Automated clinical Support System | Science Citation | Under Review (Elsevier) |
10 | Dr.K.Gunasekaran | A Deep Learning Framework for Earlier Prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Photographs | Hindawi BioMed Research International | |
11 | Dr.K.Gunasekaran | Hybrid Firefly Meta Optimization For Bio Medical Image Processing Using Deep Learning | Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results | Vol.13, Issue.4,Pages: 1199-1209, ISSN: 2229-7723 |
12 | Dr.K.Gunasekaran | Energy Efficiency Improvement using Combined Deep Learning Neutral Network and Binary cuckoo search by Thermo economic analysis in Shrouded Wind Turbine | An Interdisciplinary Journal of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics | Volume 20,Issue 8, Pages 3207-3223 ISSN: 1303-5150 |
13 | Dr. K. Gunasekaran G. Akhila G. Swarnalatha | Data Protection Protocol for Data Exchange in Order to Reduce Cloud Storage | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol 12, Issue 11, Pages: 453-459, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
14 | Dr.C.Kotteeswaran | Autonomous detection of malevolent nodes using secure heterogeneous cluster protocol | Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering | Volume 100,May 2022, |
15 | Dr.C.Kotteeswaran K.Archana Reddy P.Sneha | Migrating Digital Watermarking and Steganography to Secure Confidential Data | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol 12, Issue 10, Pages: 359-367, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
16 | Dr. T. Charan Singh B.Suresh K.Aparna | Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Based Classification Algorithms | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol 13, Issue 05, Pages: 693-701, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
17 | Dr. T. Charan Singh Sathvik Prasad K.Raju, B.Suresh | Vehicle Number Plate Detection System using KNN | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol 12, Issue 11,Pages: 1-8, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
18 | Dr. T. Charan Singh B.Suresh B.K.N.Priyanka | Number Plate And Helmet Detection Using CNN and Deep Learning | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Vol.13, Issue IV, Pages:1-6, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
19 | Dr. T. Charan Singh A.Chitty, K.Krishna | A Study On Stability of Software Structures Using Design Patterns | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages: 350-358, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
20 | Dr. T. Charan Singh K.Sandhya | Modeling and Analysis of Material Supply Network Based on Big Data Packed With Traffic | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages:109-118, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
21 | Dr.Ch .Narasimha Chary K.Krishna | Massive Mobile Traffic Data From Urban Dynamics PredictionUsing Machine Learning | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages: 35-42, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
22 | Dr.Ch .Narasimha Chary | Comprehensive Study on Multi-Operator Base Stations Cell Deployment of B5G Utilizing Block chain Enabled SDN | Journal of Composition Theory | Volume XIV, Issue VI, Pages: 45-56, ISSN :0731-6755 |
23 | Dr.Ch .Narasimha Chary | Design and Development of Robust Performance Analysis of Binary and Multi-Class Models Using Azure Machine Learning | Leavant Journal | Vol.20,Issue 7, Pages:208-217, ISSN : 1756-3801 |
24 | Dr.Ch .Narasimha Chary | An Efficient and Secured Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages:95-100, ISSN : 0745-6999 |
25 | A.Rangamma B.Suresh P.Hymavathi | An Investigation into the Effectiveness of Privacy Protection forFlexible Digital Data Publishing with Data Mining Methods> | Journal of Resource Management and Technology> | Vol 12, Issue4, Pages:3147-3157, ISSN NO: 0745-6999> |
26 | K.RajuC.Divya M.Swathi Reddy | A Decision Tree and Clustering based tourists recommendation system | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages:43-49, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
27 | K.Raju SNVASRK Prasad NaveenChakravarthy | Normalization of Duplicate Information fetched from Multiple Sources in Big Data | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol 12, Issue 11, Pages:461-468, ISSN NO: 0377-9254 |
28 | G.Swarnalatha SNVASRK Prasad A.Sudheer | Deep Learning Based a Fake Profile Identification Using ANN Algorithm | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages:7-14, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
29 | C.Divya | Energy-Conscious Reinforcement Approach to Dynamic VM Placement in Cloud Data Centers Based On Learning | Science Technology and Development | Volume X Issue XI , Pages: 252-261, ISSN : 0950-0707 |
30 | R.Sowmya B.Navya B.Saisree | An Intrusion Detection System Implementation Using Machine Learning Algorithms | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Volume XIII, Issue XI, Pages:1669-1675, ISSN NO: 0886-9367, |
31 | E. Pavithra K.Sandhya K.Mahesh Kumar | Machine Learning Techniques to Classify Different Types of Music | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Vol 12, Issue4, Pages:3139-3146, ISSN NO: 0745-6999 |
32 | E.Pavithra A.Sandeep R.Vinodkumar | Online Multi Agent Shopping System Using AI | International Journal of Techno-Engineering | Volume XIII, Issue IV, Pages:50-56, ISSN : 2057-5688 |
33 | G.UmaMaheswari M.Sampoorna K.Vijayalakshmi | Using Machine Learning to Identify Potentially Dangerous Situations | Science Technology and Development |
Volume X Issue X , Pages:303-309, ISSN : 0950-0707 |
34 | V.Kiranmai G.Akhila M.RajKumar | Enabling Identity-Based Integrity Auditing and Data Sharing With Sensitive Information Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Volume 12, Issue 2, Pages:107-114, ISSN : 0745-6999 |
35 | V.Kiranmai D.Prasanth | Design and Implementation of a Secure AuthenticatedKey Management Protocol for Cloud Computing Environments | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Volume XIII, Issue X, Pages:2424-2428, ISSN NO: 0886-9367 |
36 | D.Prasanth M.Swathi Reddy | Crime Analysis Using Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Vol 12, Issue2,Pages: 101-106, ISSN NO: 0745-6999 |
37 | M.Swathi Reddy P.Chaitanya | Exploration of Encrypted Data from IoT Devices in a Protected Series | Science Technology and Development |
Volume X Issue X, Pages:243-251, ISSN : 0950-0707 |
38 | A.Sruthi S.Soujanya | Machine Learning Methods for Soil Classification and Crop Suggestion | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Vol 12, Issue4, 2021, Pages: 3158-3165, ISSN NO: 0745-6999 |
International Conferences
S.No. | Author Details | Title of the Paper | Journal Name | ISBN/DOI |
1 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | IoT Based Waste Management System | International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems 2022 | ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1 |
2 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam | High Sensitive IoT Nanotechnology Sensors for Improved Data Acquisition and Processing | International Conference on Electronics and Renewable Systems 2022 | ISBN: 978-1-6654-8425-1 |
3 | Dr.S.Vijayarangam | Design and Implementation of Multipath Access Transmission Control Protocol | International Conference on Recent Trends in Research & Information Technology 2021 | - |
4 | Dr.K..Sampath | Code level self-adaptive approach for building reusable software components | International Conference on Data Science, Intelligent Computing and Cyber Security 2021 | |
5 | Dr.K..Sampath | Building Adaptive Software Reusable Components using Domain Engineering | International Conference on Image Information Processing 2021 | ISBN:978-1-6654-3361-7 |
6 | Dr.K.Gunasekaran | Know Your Customer (KYC) as a service for Business Process Management (BPM) using Cloud Computing | International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES) 2022 | ISBN:978-1-6654-7413-9 |
AY: 2020-21
S.No. | Title of the Paper | Author Details | Journal name | Volume, Issue |
1 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | Decision Tree Based Interference Recognition for Fog Enabled IOT Architecture | Journal of Trends in Computer Science and Smart Technology | Vol:02,No.:02,Pages: 15-25. ISSN: 1992-8424 |
2 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | Concept of Li-Fi on Smart Communication between Vehicles and Traffic Signals | Journal of Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Technologies | Vol.02,No.02,Pages: 59-69, ISSN: 2482-337X |
3 | Dr.S.R.Mugunthan | Novel Cluster Rotating and Routing Strategy for software defined Wireless Sensor Networks | Journal of IoT, Social, Mobility, Analytics & Cloud | Vol.02,No.03,Pages:140-146 ISSN: 2582-1369 |
4 | Dr.N.Sadhasivam | Online Traffic Prediction and Visualization Using FIMT –DD Method | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol12, No.06, Pages:2471-2477, ISSN: 0886-9367 |
5 | Dr.N.Sadhasivam | Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing for Clustering Microarray Gene Expression Data | Journal of Physics Conference Series | DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1767/1/012034 |
6 | Dr. T. Charan Singh R.Sowmya A.Sandeep | Combining Data Owner-Side and Cloud-side Access Control for Encrypted Cloud Storage | A Journal of Composition Theory | Vol.14, No.4, Pages: 169-175, ISSN : 0731-6755 |
7 | B.Suresh K.Anjaneyalu K.Krishna |
A Three Layer Privacy Preserving Cloud Storage Scheme Based On Computational Intelligence in Fog | A Journal of Composition Theory | Vol.14, No.04, Pages: 160-168, ISSN : 0731-6755 |
8 | Y.Raju M.Sampoorna K.Maheshkumar |
Access Control by Signature-Keys to Provide Privacy forCloud and Big Data | Journal of Science Technology and Development | Vol. 10, No.04, Pages: 234-242, ISSN : 0950-0707 |
9 | A. Sudheer MdSaleem Ahmed C.Divya |
HealthDep: An Efficient and Secure Deduplication Scheme for Cloud-AssistedeHealth Systems | Journal of Science Technology and Development | Vol. 10, No.04, Pages: 243-249, ISSN : 0950-0707 |
10 | E.Pavithra C.Divya | A Review on Artificial Intelligence in Education System | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol XIII, No.1, Pages: 1390-1394, ISSN: 0886-9367 |
11 | B.Navya K.VijayaLakshmi | Testbed Virtualized Network Based on Artificial Intelligence 5G Connected | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol.13, No.1, Pages: 1386-1389, ISSN: 0886-9367 |
12 | K.VijayaLakshmi | A Human Level AI Agents in Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Worlds | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol.12 , No.6, Pages: 2542-2547, ISSN: 0886-9367 |
AY: 2019-2020
S.No. | Author Details | Title of the Paper | Journal name | Volume, Issue |
1 | Dr. CH.G.V.N. Prasad | Privacy preserving data Aggregation system using Hilbert curve for cloud data security | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | Vol.29, No.4, Pages: 6152-6165, ISSN: 2005-4238 |
2 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan | Soft computing based autonomous low rate DDOS attack detection and security for cloud computing | Journal of Soft Computing Paradigm | Vol. 01, No.02, Pages : 80-90, ISSN:2582-2640 |
3 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan | A Sensitive Model For Aggregation of Sensitive Whatsapp Messages In Social Networking | International Journal Scientific Technology Research | Vol. 9, No.2, Pages: 5225-5228, ISSN: 2277-8616 |
4 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan | A compact design and fabrication of the effect of manufacturing and assembling tolerance on the performance of double ridged horn antenna | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Vol.16, No.1-7, Pages: 1-7, ISSN : 1546-1955 |
5 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan | Review on IOT based smart grid architecture implementation | Journal of Electrical Engineering and Automation | Vol.01, No.01, Pages: 12-20, ISSN:2582-3051 |
6 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan | Security and Privacy Preserving of Sensor Data Localization Based on Internet of Things | Journal of IoT, Social, Mobility, Analytics Cloud | Vol. 01, No.2, Pages: 80-90, ISSN : 2582-1369 |
7 | Dr. S.R. Mugunthan Dr.N.Sadha sivam | Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization for Scientific Workflow Scheduling in Cloud Environments | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | Vol 16,No4, Pages: 1706-1709, ISSN : 15461955 |
8 | Dr.T.Kumaresan | Evaluation Of Mining High Speed Data Streams With Various Advanced Decision Tree Algorithms | Journal Xian University of Architecture Technology | ISSN : 1006-7930 |
9 | G.UmaMaheswari | IRIS Detection and Reformation System Using Novel Algorithms in Machine Learning Through SVM Classifier | Journal Xian University of Architecture Technology | Vol11, No 12 , Pages: 219-225, ISSN : 1006-7930 |
10 | G.UmaMaheswari | Implementation of Clustering Algorithms for Real Time Large Datasets | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | Vol 8, No. 11,Pages: 2303-2304, ISSN: 2278-3075 |
11 | K.Praveena K.Raju | A Framework to Estimate the Nutritional Value of Food in Real Time Using Deep Learning Techniques | Journal of Engineering Sciences | Vol.11, No.12, Pages: 76-84, ISSN: 0377-9254 |
12 | B.Gayatri | A Survey on Migration-Based Dynamic and Practical Virtual Streaming | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol.12, No.6, Pages: 2594-2597, ISSN:0886-9367 |
13 | B.Gayatri | Data mining techniques-a survey on road traffic fatal Accidents | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis | Vol.12, No.6, Pages: 2634-2637, ISSN NO :0886-9367 |
14 | SNVASRK Prasad | Cloud Log Assuring Soundness and Secrecy Scheme for Cloud Forensics | Journal of Resource Management and Technology | Vol 11, No.4, Pages:421-428 ISSN: 0745-6999 |
15 | B Varija | An effective comprehensive study optimization of ARM using improved various advanced algorithms with multi-dimensional large data sets | PAIDEUMA Journal of Research | Vol.12, No.12, Pages:738-743 ISSN :0090-5674 |
16 | J.Gopaiah | A novel big data processing frame work for massive remotes sensing with cloud computing technologies | PAIDEUMA Journal of Research | Vol.12, No.12, Pages : 728-737, ISSN :0090-5674 |
17 | K.GurnadhaGuptha | A Novel extension of the classical contextual multi-armed bandit with BCTS algorithm for online learning in online AI | Journal of Information and Computational Science | Vol.10, No.8, Pages: 222-227, ISSN:1548-7741 |
18 | K.GurnadhaGuptha | An Efficient Review On Customer Reviews For E-Commerce Portal Using Machine Learning Techniques | Journal of Critical Reviews | Vol.7, No.8, Pages: 3479-3484, ISSN :2394-5125 |
19 | A.Sreedevi A.Krishna | An effective comprehensive analysis on cloud based healthcare-as-a-service analytics with fuzzy classifier various methods | PAIDEUMA Journal of Research | Vol.12, Issue.12, Pages: 693-701, ISSN NO :0090-5674 |