List of Best Projects
Quality of Student Projects
Programme Assessment Committee and HoD will conduct meeting to allocate project coordinator and programme review committee (PRC) members. Allocation of projects, domain selection and guide allocation process were well defined in prior to the students. Questionnaires were attached to identify the specialization and area of interest for allocating projects to faculties. Three reviews will be conducted under the supervision of Project committee. As per peer team suggestion, students are advised to participate in paper presentation; conference and project expos conducted by both intra and interstate events. Students got awards and certificates in project expos. Current year students were also motivated by the faculty members to publish their project works in indexed journals and various conferences.
Identification of projects and allocation methodology to Faculty Members.
- Projects are identified to relevant context. The need for the project and the end users of the project are verified for the current context.
- The problem definition with their requirements and constraints are verified.
- The knowledge, methodology, skill set and interest of the students to implement the project are considered to undertake the projects.
- Faculties of higher cadre are allocated as guides to guide the student’s project.
- Each project team varies from two to four students.
- Faculty profile should match with the domain of the student’s project.
- Students are also given choice to choose their guide that matches their project domain.
- A project coordinator is appointed by the Head of the department who is responsible for planning, scheduling and execution of all the activities related to the student project work.
Impact Analysis
- New innovative ideas are born for project work.
- Skills or abilities of students improved.
- Knowledge on various aspects of project management were developed.
- Confidence level of the students was boosted.
- Improved teamwork spirit.
- Implementation and deployment of the project for social benefits.
- Document preparation and presentation.
- More tendencies to showcase their project work in project exhibition were observed.