Sponsored Projects/Consultancy Service

Name of The faculty Project Title Project Type
Funding Agency Amount Academic Year
Dr. P. Mukunthan Technovision based Automatic Touchless Hand Sanitizer Machine with Body Temperature detection Consultancy BHAS Engineering Works 65,000 2021-22
Dr. P. Epsiba An Automatic Machine Learning-Based Framework for 3D Neurite Image Segmentation Consultancy Signals and solutions 50,000 2021-22
Dr. G. Suresh IOT Based Automatic Production Monitoring, Error Detection, Testing, and Correction Consultancy VDL Auto Products 1.50,000 2020-21
Dr. P. Epsiba An Automatic Appliances control for Smart home & office Management Consultancy JERS Industries 2,00,000 2020-21
Dr. N. C. Sendhilkumar An Intelligent Low Power Wireless based Hand Hygiene Recording and Reminding system for Hospital Environments Consultancy Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt. Ltd 1.80,000 2020-21
Dr. G. Suresh Early detection and segmentation of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Shrimp production using Curvelet and Tensor Decomposition Principle Consultancy Signals And solutions 2.50,000 2020-21
E. Parasuramu Detection of SPY Cameras (Hidden Cameras) Using Mobile Application Consultancy TLC GROUP 1,00,000 2019-20
E. Parasuramu IOT Based Smart Agricultural Information Retrieval System Using BigData Computing Framework on Cloud Platform Consultancy ADM India(P).Ltd 2,00,000 2019-20
Dr. G. Suresh Consumer Friendly Sensor Based Food Quality Testing and Tracking using MobiAPP Consultancy VMTC 75,000 2019-20
Total Amount 12,70,000

AY: 2019-2020

Name of The faculty Project Title Project Type
Funding Agency Amount Duration
Dr. G. Suresh
Mr. E. Parushuramu
IOT Based Error Detection and Automatic Correction for CNC  Component Testing Consultancy VDL Auto Products 4,50,000 2 Years + 1 Year Extended
Dr. G. Suresh
Dr. N. C.Sendhil kumar
Virtual Machine Training, Machine Handling and Virtual Component Testing Consultancy JERS Industries 6,00,000 2 Years + 1 Year Extended