Prof. K. Ashok Babu
Head/ECE (Admin)
Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology
+91 - 93470 54999

Dr. N.C. Sendhilkumar
HOD/ECE (Academic)
Sri Indu College of Engineering & Technology
+91 - 94439 68958
To be a centre of excellence in Electronics and Communication Engineering Education to produce professionals for ever-growing needs of society.
The Department has following Mission
DM1 : To promote and facilitate student- centric learning.
DM2 : To involve in activities that enable overall development of stakeholders.
DM3 : To provide holistic environment with state-of-art facilities for students to develop solutions for various social needs.
DM4 : Organize trainings in embedded systems with Industry interaction.
ECE Labs at a Glance
- Electronic Circuit Analysis Lab
- Digital Signal Processing Lab
- Adv. English Lang. Communication Skills Lab
- e-CAD & VLSI Lab
- Embedded Systems Lab
- EDC Lab
- IC & PDC Lab
- Communications Lab
- Microprocessor & Micro Controller Laboratory and many more labs