Best Practices
Teaching Learning Process
To strengthen the teaching-learning process, following initiatives have been taken:
1. Adherence to Academic Calendar
- Preparation of Academic Action Plans/Lesson Plan
- Preparation of Handouts
2. Pedagogical Initiatives - Content Delivery (method of instruction)
- Digital library
- Project Based Learning
- Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Test
3. Methodologies to Support Weak Students and Encourage Bright Students
- Mentoring System
- Identification of Week Students / Fast Learners
- Action Taken
4. Quality of Class Room Teaching
5. Conduct of Experiments
6. Student Feedback and Action Taken
Pedagogical Initiatives
Pedagogies play an important role in delivering of content and it varies with the audience. Course allocation is made based on the choice/ expertise of the faculty members one month before the commencement of semester. Once the courses are allocated, the faculty members prepare a detailed lesson plan, assignments questions, quiz questions etc. for a particular course. Course handout and materials are prepared keeping in mind the lesson plan and course outcomes. Course handout and any other related material uploaded on digital library. Faculty members use various pedagogical methods for effective teaching learning process.
Course Delivery Methods
Classroom Teaching:
The lecture delivery by the faculty is through a set of educational technology/tools such as,
- Lecturing is done using Smart Boards
- Chalk and Talk - Green/Black Board
- Power Point Presentation (PPT)
- Animated Videos
- Citing real World examples for Application based Courses
- Case Studies
- Project based Learning
- Digital Library enables real time Learning, Monitoring, Comprehension
- Quiz
- Automation Tool for Student Data Management
- Group Discussions/Tasks
- Internship
- Co-Curricular Activity
- Workshops
- Expert Talk
- Access to study Material in E-Resources
- Use of Open Source Software