Sponsored Projects/Consultancy Service
Name of The faculty | Project Title | Project Type Research/Consultancy |
Funding Agency | Amount | Academic Year |
Dr. P. Mukunthan | Technovision based Automatic Touchless Hand Sanitizer Machine with Body Temperature detection | Consultancy | BHAS Engineering Works | 65,000 | 2021-22 |
Dr. P. Epsiba | An Automatic Machine Learning-Based Framework for 3D Neurite Image Segmentation | Consultancy | Signals and solutions | 50,000 | 2021-22 |
Dr. G. Suresh | IOT Based Automatic Production Monitoring, Error Detection, Testing, and Correction | Consultancy | VDL Auto Products | 1.50,000 | 2020-21 |
Dr. P. Epsiba | An Automatic Appliances control for Smart home & office Management | Consultancy | JERS Industries | 2,00,000 | 2020-21 |
Dr. N. C. Sendhilkumar | An Intelligent Low Power Wireless based Hand Hygiene Recording and Reminding system for Hospital Environments | Consultancy | Vee Eee Technologies Solution Pvt. Ltd | 1.80,000 | 2020-21 |
Dr. G. Suresh | Early detection and segmentation of White Spot Syndrome Virus in Shrimp production using Curvelet and Tensor Decomposition Principle | Consultancy | Signals And solutions | 2.50,000 | 2020-21 |
E. Parasuramu | Detection of SPY Cameras (Hidden Cameras) Using Mobile Application | Consultancy | TLC GROUP | 1,00,000 | 2019-20 |
E. Parasuramu | IOT Based Smart Agricultural Information Retrieval System Using BigData Computing Framework on Cloud Platform | Consultancy | ADM India(P).Ltd | 2,00,000 | 2019-20 |
Dr. G. Suresh | Consumer Friendly Sensor Based Food Quality Testing and Tracking using MobiAPP | Consultancy | VMTC | 75,000 | 2019-20 |
Total Amount | 12,70,000 |
AY: 2019-2020
Name of The faculty | Project Title | Project Type Research/Consultancy |
Funding Agency | Amount | Duration |
Dr. G. Suresh Mr. E. Parushuramu |
IOT Based Error Detection and Automatic Correction for CNC Component Testing | Consultancy | VDL Auto Products | 4,50,000 | 2 Years + 1 Year Extended |
Dr. G. Suresh Dr. N. C.Sendhil kumar |
Virtual Machine Training, Machine Handling and Virtual Component Testing | Consultancy | JERS Industries | 6,00,000 | 2 Years + 1 Year Extended |